On Thursday, 27 february 2020, a large scale work session was organized in the town hall of Arnhem.
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in The Netherlands plans to boost this development for a more innovative and future-proof fashion system; one that focuses on inclusivity, circularity and addressed the cultural value of fashion. By doing so they invited diverse fashion stakeholders - FASHIONCLASH being one of them - to come together and look into the potential of Dutch fashion. As a collaboration is the core of our values, FASHIONCLASH has taken this opportunity to dive into the possibilities of today, to improve tomorrow.
In 2018, Minister Ingrid Van Engelshoven announced her plans to give a boost to Dutch fashion. In recent years, various organizations and networks have emerged, in which professionals from the Dutch design field, business, education and science work together to contribute to a healthier fashion industry, and thus to a better future. By connecting these initiatives, increasing their visibility and joining their forces, the cultural impact of fashion on society can be increased.
In the past months, The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has engaged in conversations with several cultural organizations that are trying to reform the existing fashion system. Following these talks, a number of work sessions will be organized. In these sessions we will work towards a joint plan for an activity program, a mapping of Dutch fashion initiatives and a future-proof narrative for Dutch fashion.
The OCW fashion program is an initiative that is growing network and is gradually being expanded with several parties.
Connected participants so far: ArtEZ, AMFI, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Fashion + Design Festival Arnhem, FASHIONCLASH, Gemeente Amsterdam, Gemeente Arnhem, Gemeente Rotterdam, MAFB, M-ODE, Modint, Nannet van der Kleijn, NL Next Fashion and Textiles, Pauline van Dongen, State of Fashion, Waag TextileLab