Exhibition: FASHIONCLASH Festival 2024

During FASHIONCLASH Festival, you could experience an interactive installation that was the result of the Decolonial Fashion Residency.

Ten fashion practitioners were invited to Maastricht for a week conversations and exchanges about the question 'What does decoloniality mean in fashion in the context of the Netherlands?'.

During this week the group worked on the textile cloth that was locally produced by The Linen Project. After the residency week, the cloth traveled along with the residency participants who invited people from their own network to join the conversation, and to contribute to the textile artwork. Since June 2024, more than 100 people have been part of the conversation and the artwork.

In this Decolonial Fashion Residency installation you could see the textile artwork, which contains many craft details contributed by many people, a soundscape in which the residential participants reflect on the question 'When do you feel rooted?' and there was a short video documentary about the project.

Photos: Laura Knipsael