Orlando: The New Chapter is a research project inspired by Virginia Woolf's iconic novel ‘Orlando’, brought to life by second-year students from the Performance course at the Toneelacademie Maastricht.
As part of the FASHIONCLASH Queer Activity Program, this collaboration invited the students to engage with themes such as gender, transformation, biography, and identity through a contemporary lens. The central questions posed to the students include: What would Orlando do in today’s society? What commitments would the character make, and in what context? In simpler terms, What if Woolf's novel had a new chapter, and you were the one to write it?
The original novel ‘Orlando’ tells the story of a poet who changes gender from man to woman and lives for centuries. It's a poetic meditation on themes such as gender, sex, time, love, and the human experience—perfectly aligned with the exploration of queer themes in contemporary art.
The project culminated in a joint presentation of short individual performances, where each student presented their personal artistic investigations—unique theatrical translations of a new chapter for Orlando. These performances explored the figure of Orlando in a modern context, reflecting on how gender and identity evolve in the world today.
Photos: Mitch van Schijndel
Participating students: Anna Lauryssen, Doris Wennekers, Eerin Middelkamp, Ida Boxem, Kees Huisman, Laisy Soleny de Andrade Rodrigues, Lize Kater, Lois Vecchi, Nomi Vanhove, Rens den Braber, Valerie Ludwig
Guidance: Branko Popovic (FASHIONCLASH), Bart van den Eynde (Toneelacademie Maastricht)
Orlando: The New Chapter is a cooperation between Toneelacademie Maastricht and FASHIONCLASH and was presented at Mariastraat 13 during FASHIONCLASH Festival 2024. Orlando: The New Chapter is part of the FASHIONCLASH Queer Activity Program and was made possible with support from Fonds 21 - Queer Up!